Monday, August 28, 2017

My First Game on Play Store without spending a penny.

Hello friends, first of all i just want to say that a have successfully uploaded my first game application on play Store. well congratulation to me......

you can find my game in the link below

I just want to share my experience while i was making the game. well i am a programmer. But when i was making the game i was programmer/game designer/audio manager/ pretty much everything in this game. I love to code. well this is my first game and all i had was 200 rupees in my pocket and a laptop. thanks to Unity 3D. it is free to use and if you use this on its full potential you can get some great results out of it. well enough of this lets get back to game.
first i wanted to make a simple parking game and i made it. but that was too heavy for the mobile devices.
Oh, i forgot to tell you that i am an intermediate in game designing and i learn unity from google and YouTube. Cool haaahhhh.
so i was making this game and i had no idea that how to make this for mobile phones because it was very good in computer and i have AMD 2GB graphics in my computer. but the frame rate in mobile device this is some other Story. you have to deal with memory and other stuff like frame rate etc.
 because of you can find so many parking game on play  Store.
I thought, why not make some driving type game for long road. and i found everything on Asset Store and i started to make the game. there you go.

my first problem was FPS. it took me two days to find how to get good FPS in mobile games.
well the camera rendering should be forward, and culling mask to "default" from "everything" in camera setting. that's all in my case.
so i got good FPS in my game and i was very happy that day. Big winning haaahhh.

well i am from India and in India if you are doing something different its not acceptable by society. you have to get some government job for that.
my mother is in support with me and my father too. but some times my father tell me to leave all this and get a real job like GOVT. but on the other hand my mother believes in me and that's all that matters. i am telling you this because if you are from India and if you want to try something new you have to ignore society for that. That's all.

sooooo back to game.

so FPS was good in mobile device. next challenge, i wanted to give user a different experience in each vehicle. when i went to gym at evening i always noticed how suspension works of every vehicle that passed nearby me. and Unity has some good suspension script for that. there you go. problem solved.
if you want to learn how this works you can check this on my Youtube channel. i made some video tutorial for that.

yes i am Youtuber too.

so suspension was good and i found good long roads and free cars on asset store and i use all the free asset because you know 200rupees. 1300rupees to go for developer fee on playStore.

Yes, Everything in this game is free.

now the next problem was the lightning and if you use real time lightning it can cost you a big amount of processing power. so always use baked lightning.
I put high quality shadows in game it cost some processing power but it make your game more realistic. and i did not want to loose that. so shadows win i loose. after spending i whole day on doing research on shadows i thought it is best to put some quality choosing option in game and i did.

the next next problem was the biggest pain in my ass. roads becomes blurry on distance and i could not find any solution for two days. but finally i did it. there are some texture setting for mobile devices. if you have same problem let me know i can make a tutorial for that.

the biggest challenge for me to keep track of every script in my game since i am a single developer and i had to deal with every problem it was very hard to keep track but i made diary for that and it was successful.

I often hear from people to get a job and do this in side work and trust me it is very hard for me to find that no one believes in me. until you get some success you have to hear that. i am writing this blog and at this time i have 400 rupees in my pocket and 7rupees i made from my game because its been three days since i uploaded my game on play store. it is hard to find your audience but once you do that's all you need. i am still searching my audience till this time and i believe i will find some day. need to pity on me....because if you are reading this blog that means you are a beginner and i am a little bit but successful than you ....hahha....

so back to the game....

keep a diary and always learn something new from other people because it is important. i always observe some new ways to write code from people. no code is perfect you have to make it good as much as you can. that's what matters.

so next challenge is to make some levels and test the game. i told to some of my friends to play
and give me some feedback. i never satisfy from my work i just want to make it more good that is my quality.
So my cousin Rohit was sick of this game because god knows how many times he played it.
and every time i forced him to play this. one other friend Rajat helped me a lot.
 my other friend keshav also helped me a lot for this.
he has a company for game. and he launched more than one game on play store. 

so scripts done and other things were good and the final game reaches to  48MB.
next challenge is to put some advertisement in my game i used admob for this.
it is good service. Google provides it. easy to install and everything was clean.

one last thing was google does not accept the indian dabit cards.....Mr Sunder something man not every person has credit cards and bank account in international banks.....please do something.....

i borrowed credit card from one of my friend and did the payment process. all good....happy happyyyy....

as you know i am a single developer and i did much of the work but some bugs are there you wont notice maybe you will. but i will fix them in my next update.

the now the problem was car AI. how to work with this. i made a simple AI for that.
it took me two days to figure that out. still not perfect. if you are making car AI i want you to dig a little bit about bazzier curves.
so i did not know about bazzier curves that time and i still dont know much but i used the road for the path the cars get some information about there position on the road and try to keep them self on that track.
i used rayCast because of the roads side tree were long so i used them to keep track by raycast.
RayCast is a cool feature in unity you should know more about it.
so AI was done but i am thinking to change this in the next update because it wasn't that good.
everything was done and i was sitting in my bed and thinking what to do now.
trust me whenever i thought to publish this i was having panic attacks. that was hard for me to control and get through this but i did. i had more than three panic attacks in three days before publishing the game. but it was normal. In my advice do some meditation to calm down.
you freak out when ever you do something new. and you should be.

i  published game without thinking of anything and it was a great experience.i learned a lot from this and now i am working in multiplayer game. i will share my story other time when it will complete.

right now i am making nothing from this game but i learned a lot from this and that what matters.
my family still thinks that i should get some real job instead of sitting in my room and putting my head in laptop. but i believe that someday it will give me some success.
keep calm and work and never look back that what it takes.





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